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In the light of shortage of electricity in the market and a new increase in prices of electricity, the representatives of one of the largest independent suppliers of electricity AB “INTER RAO Lietuva” claim they could actually provide the missing power supply but the network operator agreements prevent them from taking such measures.

“Our company would be able to provide the market with the deficient amount of electricity; however, the agreements between the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian system operators prevent AB “INTER RAO Lietuva” from taking any actions. It is these agreements that resulted in electricity shortages and high electricity prices in the market. The present situation is not for the benefit of the independent suppliers of electricity,” says Vidas Čebatariūnas, the Commercial Director of AB “INTER RAO Lietuva”.

The agreements signed this year by “Litgrid” (Lithuania), “Augstsprieguma tikls” (Latvia) and “Elering” (Estonia) create conditions for the maximum throughput for trade between the Baltic countries and for import of more electricity from Estonia and Scandinavia while artificially restricting the electricity imports from third countries and thus, possibly, influencing the growth of electricity prices in the Lithuanian area of Nord Pool Spot market.